Yakima Council members and Project 2025
Do the Yakama Council members embrace Project 2025? If so, do they understand what they’re supporting?
The Heritage Foundation published Project 2025, a plan with Christian nationalism underpinning's that Donald Trump could implement, if re-elected. It undermines our democratic republic, disregards the rule of law, bypasses or reconstrues the U.S. Constitution, guts the EPA, and rejects climate science, among many other heretical goals.
Project 2025 could call for repealing modern legislative progress, e.g. women’s rights, voter’s rights, worker’s rights, child labor laws, environmental protection laws, to name just a few.
A Project 2025 analogy is Margaret Atwood’s “A Handmaid’s Tale” (a depiction of a dystopian fascist, theocratic America) mixed with Orwell’s “1984”—in effect Orwellian Christian nationalism.
What is Christian nationalism? It’s right-wing sedition and a power grab—a government take-over plan that emphasizes anti-Truth, anti-Christianity, and anti-Science—in all, it’s anti-American and has nothing to do with either Christianity or the First Amendment.
In my opinion, the word “Christian” was included in the name, and supporters of this movement reference the First Amendment, because these are buzzwords to get gullible, ignorant people to jump on the Christian nationalist’s bandwagon.